Category Malls


An E-Book on Category Malls, a place where today’s busy shoppers will satisfy their NEEDS and WANTS



We have researched many markets and talked with many people across all ethnicities and have found a common denominator in nearly all their life-structures, based upon what they really WANT in the way of PRODUCT and LIFESTYLE (not necessarily branded) and what they assume is supporting this NEW and EXCITING change by way of all other product and services to enjoy their NEW WAY OF LIVING– it’s all about what fits their CATEGORY WANTS. We tell you how to find out using PSYCHOGRAPHIC data and converting that into your brief and how to provide for their WANTS AND NEEDS  .


Sample Table of Contents

  • Definition; a description of this Specialized Mall as we see it applying to the market now that COVID-19 has left its mark
  • The Catchment Area Psychographic Study to understand the NEEDS & WANTS of its Audience from NOW ON
  • The Design Brief
  • The Initial Design Concept
  • A Shopper’s use of Category Malls with multi Retail Floors
  • Tenancy use of Category Malls with multi Retail Floors
  • Food Courts in Category Malls have special in needs and wants to specifically suit the Category Mall
  • Restaurants and Coffee Bars / Tea Shops within a Category Mall
  • Decompression Zones
  • To Entertain or not Entertain in a Category Mall is foremost in presentation itself
  • Tenancy Mixing for focused shopping is vital in its promotion of the specific Category
  • Pedestrian Flow Plans and how we shop in store under all Categories
  • The Developed Design Stage;

Sample Paragraph

COVID-19 is recognized by us as the LATEST RETAIL CHANGE MACHINE that is creating a new breed of Humans who are working away from the employer in home or self-devised locations or in groups who by demand are seeking a RE-DEFINED RETAIL ENVIROMENT where they find WANTS to attract them and daily the NEEDS to feed & clothe them in their new lifestyle.

A Psychographic Study specifically edited for the Mall location will direct you to finding the WANTS  anchors such as Big Boys Toys, Cars, Boats and Jet Skis, supported by Surf Boards and similar sporting CATEGORY activities such as Fishing, camping all Sports equipment with associated Branded Clothing and Sports Support Aids.

The NEEDS are virtually everything else such as the weekly food basket, clothing etc.

Foreman & Company can help you there too.